Friday Individual Workout

100/70 Calorie Echo Bike

50 Sandbag Lunges (60/40)

500′ Farmers Carry

1000m Concept 2 Row

100 Wall Balls (20/14 Weighted Balls)(10’/9′ Target)

2000m Concept 2 Bike

50 Burpees over Sandbag (Bag Facing)

200′ Sled Pull/Push

1000m Concept 2 Ski

Sandbag DT

For Time

Saturday Teams of 2 Workout

(MM/FF/MF Pairs)

100/70 Calorie Echo Bike

50 Sandbag Lunges (60/40)

500′ Farmers Carry

1000m Concept 2 Row

100 Wall Balls (20/14 Weighted Balls)(10’/9′ Target)

2000m Concept 2 Bike

50 Burpees over Sandbag (Bag Facing)

500′ Sled Pull/Push

1000m Concept 2 Ski

Sandbag DT

For Time

*Once Sandbag comes off the floor it cannot touch the floor again, except during the burpees.  Each time the bag touches the floor a 2 minute penalty is added to the overall event time.

**M/F Pair sandbag is 60 pounds.

Sunday Same Sex Teams of 3 Workout

100/70 Calorie Echo Bike

Barbell Complex

2000m Concept 2 Row (While Team Member hold Farmers Carry)

200 Wall Balls (20/14)(10’/9′)(While Team Member Hangs from Rings)

5000m Concept 2 Bike & Max Effort Burpees Over Sandbag

60 Alt DB Snatches (35/20) Into 30 Pull-Ups

40 Alt DB Snatches (50/35) Into 20 C2B Pull-Ups

20 Alt DB Snatches (70/50) Into 10 Bar Muscle-Ups

2000m Concept 2 Ski

Sandbag Final DT

For Time

*30 Second Penalty for Every Rep not completed

**No Butterfly on Pull-Ups
